Over the summer, JTL’s Plumbing Mechanical Engineering Services (PMES) provision underwent five awarding organisation audits: four from City & Guilds and one from BPEC across a range and level of programmes.
JTL is pleased to announce that it has maintained current Direct Claims Status (DCS). DCS is given to centres on an individual qualification basis and allows centres to claim certification without waiting for an external quality assurance activity to take place.
Having maintained DCS, JTL has been identified as low risk, full approval for all plumbing, gas, and heating & ventilation qualifications. By achieving this it means that the awarding organisations are assured that JTL’s quality systems and assessment processes are of a high standard, and in turn meeting the benchmark set by the awarding organisations, as well as the industry standard.
Furthermore, JTL has demonstrated that its apprentices are completing their onsite evidence logbooks to a good standard and meeting the competencies required, including completing reflective accounts to a high standard with sufficient detail. Overall, JTL learner logbooks were identified as being well-presented and easy to follow, together with a good range of evidence including photography.
Other areas of good practice recognised during the audits is that feedback and forward planning is evident and documented after each assessment by JTL Training Officers. Additionally, a good range of documented oral questions are completed by the assessor to check knowledge/understanding of the apprentice.
Liam Sammon, Director of Learning and Innovation at JTL, said: “The success achieved through these audits demonstrates that all internal quality assurance activity and evidence carried out by JTL was comprehensive, and clearly identified the application of current quality assurance practices. By maintaining our current Direct Claims Status it allows employers to not only have confidence in JTL’s practice but also in the high standards the industry expects from a leading training provider. I would like to thank all those involved for continuing JTL’s journey from ‘Good to Great’.”