JTL News

Winners of the JTL Employer Recognition Awards officially announced


JTL, the leading work-based learning provider in England and Wales, has announced the winners of its 2022 Employer Recognition Awards. The awards process, which takes place annually, recognises employers who have shown remarkable levels of support and commitment toward their JTL apprentices.

With six award winners this year, it has taken a considerable level of consistency and merit for each winner to stand out amongst JTL’s considerably large employer base.

The winning employers are as follows:


Ameon Ltd (Building Services Engineering)



Whitehead Building Services Ltd (Building Services)

Whitehead Ltd


E J Parker Technical Services (Technical Services)

E J Parker


R S Birch & Partners Ltd (Electrical Contractors)

R S Birch


Gilbert & Stamper Ltd (Electrical Contractors)

Gilbert & Stamper


Redrow Homes Limited (Construction Services)


Judi Wheeler, National Delivery Director at JTL, said: “Our award season is a treasured time here at JTL, and the Employer Recognition Awards are particularly important as they give us the chance to shine a light on our employers as much as our apprentices. Our employers are massively important to us, as without them we simply would not be able to offer apprenticeship opportunities to our learners. We’ve received many glowing nominations for employers nationwide from field staff and after much deliberation, six employers who really stood out were selected for recognition this year.

“Every employer who received a nomination should be proud of the way they have welcomed apprentices into their businesses, but we would like to wish a special congratulations to the six winners. With that, we extend our deepest gratitude for their work and their clear and consistent dedication to our apprentices.’



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